Monday, February 21, 2011

A New Love

When I was a child, I wasn't what you would call an "adventurous eater". Plain white bread with a slice of bologna, McDonald's hamburger with just patty + bun, you catch the drift. Luckily for me, a lot has changed since those days.

Today I decided to finally try a food that has struck fear in me since those plain white bread days.

Cow stomach? Chicken feet? My partner's cooking?

Nope. Sardines.

I've had this can of sardines sitting in my cupboard, staring at me, challenging me, for the past 6 months. Kept hearing it was good for me & an easy way to get some good ol' seafood in my diet. I also heard they smelt funny, were salty, were entire fish in a know, things that sound appetizing.

Well, tonight I can proudly say that I have battled the sardines and am now in love. With sardines.

Going to go back to the store tomorrow and load up on all the different tasty brands I can buy (for cheap). Here's the one I found on sale about 6 months ago at the local grocery:

Wild Planet Sardines

P.S. I have tried all of the other foods above and with the exception of Mr. Rainbow's cooking, they're pretty tasty.

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